Working in Japan

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Meeting a customer along with your team

Japan is a hierarchical country. There are certain Do's and Don'ts when you are meeting with a Japanese customer along with your team - for example having your manager and sub-ordinates.

The seating arrangement during this meeting is very important.

+ Do not speak before your boss
+ Let the boss asks you to speak (he can just give a sign)
+ Do not let your subordinate speak before you
+ Let you ask your subordinate to speak (after confirming with your boss if he is present)
+ You must speak as a team. Meaning, the message should be same
+ One member confirming something and other member of your team disagreeing something MUST BE AVOIDED
+ NEVER ARGUE among yourself in front of a customer
+ NEVER Disagree among yourself in front of a customer
+ Japanese considers an individual who disagrees in common/public disrupts the harmony of the group

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